>From what I've heard Kirk,
spend the extra few bucks and get the higher quality Lockheed one.
But not from Moss, get it from Peter or Ed.
It's about the same price as the cheap one from Mo$$
Brian S.
Bugeyeracer finally resto'ed!
> From: khargreaves2@gmail.com
> Moss has a generic type slave cyl and also the higher dollar ones.
> *Wondering if the lower cost Moss unit (around $45.0) is something that I
> should stay away from, or?
> *
> Kirk
> PS
> I love that Gunson bleeder. . makes it so easy to pressure the entire
> and bleed everything starting at the rear passenger wheel. Someone on the
> list turned me on to it when they were on sale for around 15 bucks.
> As I recall, I ordered it from a Volvo site.
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