Flat blade and sharpened to a central point along the cutting edge. Keep it
sharp or the metal edges you cut will bend and the metal stretches. Try to
avoid using it and use a small hand grinder with a thin cutting blade
instead. (It is useful for using as a lever between rusted/bonded together
metal sheets because it's thin and wide.) You can get them in various
widths from 1/2inch up to around 6ins. I find a 2 1/2 or 3 inch one is fine
for general use.
Your local hardware store / builders merchant will stock them by the dozen.
If you get a Chinese one with a soft cutting edge, temper it yourself by
heating to cherry red and quenching or, do a Frank and throw it fast and
Guy R Day
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Rowe" <>
To: "Spridget Chat Group" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:12 AM
Subject: [Spridgets] Bolster chisel
> One of the restoration manuals mentions a bolster chisel, which in the
> book appears to be shaped like a wood chisel - thin and flat on one side.
> I once had a small one of these with a handle bent upward for cutting
> flush, now long lost. I have not been able to find a metal-cutting chisel
> that is either flat on one side or very thin. Is there another name for
> this kind of tool?
> Michael Rowe
> '74 Midget
> '60 Sprite kit
> Long Island, NY
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