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Re: [Spridgets] "Made in China" Bugeye Brake Drums

To: David Woerpel <dwoerpel@wi.net>, 'Spridgeteers' <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] "Made in China" Bugeye Brake Drums
From: "Robert E. Shlafer" <pilotrob@webtv.net>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 19:14:13 GMT
Used to be able to take them out to max of 
7.25 according to my mech but modern brake shoes are a tad more thin then they 
used to be. So, operationally, maybe just a tad over stock under the 
circumstances unless you can source what used to be factory shoe thickness.

Cap'n. Bob      '60 :{)
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