Wow 12 years and they are still sticking (glue) I'm impressed. I will give
it a try if all else fails.
But can I use Crazy Glue now or is the formula different than 1997?
On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Kitterer Bob <> wrote:
> Linda,
> I did mine in 1997 an they are still together an working just great. The
> Crazy Glue is not the same as Super Glue. The last time I looked for it
> there were about four different formulas, in '97 there was only one. But at
> least one version will re-bond rubber. The RC Airplane and car folks use
> this product because it works so well. My seals came from Moss an could
> have been better but as I said they had bonded three of the corners so I
> figured I could redo them.
> I would love to know how the factory installed the seals. Based on the
> other rubber in the car I am inclined to think that it was very soft. I
> doubt that it was machine installed so with some elasticity a gorilla, with
> some jigs, might be able to pull it around the frame.
> Anyway good luck with what ever method you use.
> Bob Kitterer
> 1960 Austin Healey Sprite (Mk IV in disguise)
> 1966 Austin Healey Sprite Mk III (Trevor) - still in boxes
> 2000 Miata Special Edition
> On Jun 6, 2009, at 3:47 AM, Linda Grunthaner wrote:
> There is no way I'll cut my expensive seals to install them I will
>> struggle with other method but thanks anyway.
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