My last years in high school I worked part time in a piano store. The
owner bought used piano's in addition to having new ones. He added up
his cost to acquire the used piano, how much he spent getting it on
the floor (me) plus $50 to arrive at the selling price. He bought
this really ugly looking upright piano for a very low price. It turned
out that it cleaned up in no time and other than a lot of cleaning did
not need any parts plus it was a great sounding piano. It sit on the
floor for weeks, people would look at it, play it and then walk away.
One Saturday morning he was really annoyed that the piano was still
there, went in the back room a got a Sale sign, added $200 to the
price an it was gone by noon.
Bob Kitterer
1960 Austin Healey Sprite (Mk IV in disguise)
1966 Austin Healey Sprite Mk III (Trevor) - still in boxes
2000 Miata Special Edition
On May 28, 2009, at 8:37 PM, derf wrote:
> You'd be surprised. I recently tried a technique that someone told me
> about. I was trying to sell an item(gun) for a reasonable price.
> There was no interest.
> I told a friend about how the price was fair but no one even showed
> interest. He said "Raise the price". I did, and sold it for $100
> more than I was originally asking almost immediately. Go figure.
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