I'll have to look for that original post, where is it? If it weren't for my
shop program at college I never would have gone back to school myself ( I
was not allowed to take "drafting" in high school because I was a girl). I
love it and it truly is a dieing field in which colleges aren't providing
the program any longer and schools have been selling off all their equipment
opting for computer only programs for high schools simulating a band saw and
lathe for the last 20 years. A real shame for kids who want to learn these
very valuable skills but don't want vocational tracts. I just found out via
a substitute principal that I can take any night class in my vocational
school district for free, nice perk. I'm going to fit in as many classes as
possible for the next 7 years as I work toward retirement. I always wanted
to take the house hold electrical program but it was too expensive. They
even have a body shop course which I'll use for my new Sprite project I'll
probably find out I knew nothing at all. David does NH still have
traditional shop programs throughout the state?
Long live shop classes : )
Check out this cool link I use for my kids animations for every tool you can
think about good way for kids to get a jump start on my lectures:
On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 11:11 PM, David Lieb <72spridget@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have enjoyed reading the postings concerning "shop teachers" today.
> Just
> to
> > let you know, we are not all dead and gone!! I have been teaching shop
> in
> a
> > grade 6-12 school in NH for over 35 years. There are only 260 students
> in
> my
> > school yet my classes are fully subscribed!! My classes alternate each
> year
> > so I am able to offer such classes as small engines, capentry, furniture
> > making, welding, CAD, and cabinet making. This year my carpentry class
> has
> > constructed three sheds and a mini barn while my welding class has
> produced
> a
> > 16 foot trailer to be used by the local fire department for hauling
> search
> and
> > rescue equipment. Students take pride in building such products. I
> truly
> > believe if a person can work with their hands they will never be out of
> > work!!
> John,
> Good to know that people like you and Lin still exist!
> David Lieb
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