Don't our Spridget clutch slave cylinders have springs in them so the
throw-out bearing is always in contact with the pressure plate?
Part of the "self adjusting" hydraulic clutch?
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Kirk Hargreaves
Someone on the list mentioned installing a Roller Bearing that blew up after
a couple thousand miles and was surprised it went that long. . it was just a
bit off center. . in effect acting like the movement of a DA sander against
the clutch springs, or acting like a carbon bearing with no carbon surface
since it was not able to turn at the correct speed.
My old VW when I was a kid, a 1960 that I wish I had kept (now that they are
collectible) had the same type of carbon bearing, and it held up for years
of driving.
My dad always drilled it into me to keep my foot off the clutch at lights
and not to rest my foot on the clutch, or even touch it with my foot while
driving in gear.
My current carbon is doing very well. . .
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