I am not only a member of this list but the "If it ain't broken, don't fix-it"
This list works just fine.
It's a great group of people as well as a fine collection of strange characters.
Members come and go, reappear, are reincarnated, and so-on.
New members ask the same questions that were asked dozens of times before, and
they receive answers.
As I said previously, for years, I have printed replies to technical questions
I thought would be useful. I have categorized them and put them into binders.
Many are repetitive, but in most cases, they give different opinions and
Create a WikiSpridget site if you like, but for me, this resource works.
Jay Fishbein
63 Sprite
61 Innocenti 950 Spider
73 Morris Mini Van
> Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 13:21:53 -0500
> > The one thing I like about not having a reference list for gear head
> > questions is the dynamic real time response I get when I ask questions of
> > the list.
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