Leo wrote:
> allright all ye wise ones: Lets see where this goes. Iris is driving me nuts
> with a problem and I havent found a solution.
> symptons:
> Warm day (above 80) go down the road and come up to a stop sign and she will
> die and not restart for a couple of minutes then she wil start but in a
> severley rich mode (i.e. loaded up) Let the temperature drop down to say 75
> degrees and she will run perfect for any length of trip I want to go on
> without a hiccup one. If you never come to a stop sign and stay in the upper
> rpm ranges she will also run all day long.
> Sooooo... Is the problem fuel delivery related or ignition??
Check to see if your fuel line is getting heat transferred to it from
the exhaust. Move it or insulate it or make a heat shield.
Dave Grandeffo
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