Yes, you do need to learn to weld or get better friends who have
already learned :)
On Sun, 2009-05-10 at 20:40 -0700, David Booker wrote:
> Crap! I was getting ready to put my new "Chassis Saver" paint on the engine
> compartment and remembered that I hadn't removed the last two mounting screws
> I had to cut off from my original heater box. No big deal. Out comes the
> chisel and hammer to tap them with and a small pair of vice-grips to twist
> them out.
> A few miutes later, they were both out, but I was now painfully aware of just
> how little metal was actually left of the tray there. If I had remained
> unaware, I coulda painted it and put the new stuff back and gone blissfully on
> my way till the battery hit me in the foot some day. But nooooo. Now that I
> know, I'm reminded once again that I really need to get a welder and take some
> lessons.
> Instead, I'll probably try to get it to my neighbor's body shop some night
> after work and cut it all out, form up a new one on his brake and watch him
> weld it in. Man, I need to learn this welding stuff!
> - David
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