And it was so dammed easy to change them too.
I feel that was the biggest problem with Fiat and American's the first
time Fiat was in the U.S. Americans were so used to drive them until
you trade them in that they did not required maintenance on the Fiat and
when it broke, what a POS was their comment.
I have never broken a timing belt and I got 230,000 miles on my Fiat,
never saw a tow truck and never parked on the side of the road unless my
wife and I wanted to park.
Oh well, it will be interesting to see how Fiat does this time around.
Its been said that its a different generation and Fiat will be starting
from scratch this time but I don't believe grew up hearing Fix
It Again Tony from their dads.
My wife is waiting for the 500 desperately...she owned a '59 Fiat 500
in college and loved that car. It will be odd that a multi-Fiat garage
On Thu, 2009-05-07 at 13:44 -0400, conan wrote:
> per a David...
> >>I don't know very much about it, but apparently timing belts were a common
>failure item.
> The owner's manual called for their replacement at 30,000 miles. No one
>did. They would -often- break within a few thousand past the 30k mark. Just
>ask my cousin, David... :-)
> Ed in NC
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