Perhaps we could hook it to some insurance execs to get some payback.
Whack whack ka-ching whack whack ka-ching
Just goes to show you that these little pieces still can come in handy.
45,000 volts you say
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Kitterer Bob
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 8:45 PM
To: Spridgets
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Funny story electronic ignition...
First I will admit that I have not been following this discussion in
detail but was wondering if CDI's were going to appear.
Many years ago I built (from someone else plans) a CDI for the
Sprite. It put out 300V to a Lucas Sports Coil. If I recall
correctly this is about 45,000 volts to the plugs. One foggy morning
I was doing a tune up in the garage. While crouched over adjusting
the carbs there was this very loud whack from the other side of the
engine. Raising the rpm so I could have a look - but there was
nothing unusual. So I bent back down and resumed adjusting the carbs
- - - whack -- whack. Raising back up there was nothing to be seen.
Then while looking over the engine I lowered the rpm - - in the moist
air the spark decided that the plug was to much resistance and jumped
from the top of the plug to the bottom of the head - whack - whack.
I decided that this might not be the best thing to have on the car so
removed it although I think it is still in a box in the garage. A
few years later CDI became readily available and I used them on most
of my cars - great systems.
Bob Kitterer
1960 Austin Healey Sprite (Mk IV in disguise)
1966 Austin Healey Sprite Mk III (Trevor) - still in boxes
2000 Miata Special Edition
On Mar 24, 2009, at 6:26 PM, Dean Hedin wrote:
> This is a nice design. Multiple spark, capacitive discharge.
> With only minor substitutions all the parts are availible from
> digikey. It does not conceal inside the distributor like a Pertronix
> but that's no big deal
> Article quote:
> "But some readers were not about to be
> put off. They wanted a CDI design and they
> wanted it for a number of reasons... And they
> wanted them for older cars which don't have lean
> mixtures and which can be particularly hard, if not
> impossible, to start when the ignition system gets
> wet. Old Mini Coopers and 850s are legendary in
> this regard."
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