I could reach the drive shaft throught the hole for the shifter can, so I
did not need tape. My problem was the drive shaft would not slide into the
transmission due to insufficient clearence between the u-joint and the top
of the tunnel. After it was in place, the u-joint was clear of the tunnel
in it's more forward postion. That is why it would have been better to
install the drive shaft with the engine and transmission. Electrical tape
would not have solved my problem. It is a good solution to a stock
installation though.
On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 6:41 PM, Patrick Elliott <pelliott@innercite.com>wrote:
> Mike and others, never heard of the electrical tape trick? Wrap the
> forward
> end of the assembled drive shaft U-joint tightly with electrical tape,
> enough to make it very stiff. Now you can install the Transmission and
> engine without the long floppy drive shaft attached. You can stick the
> drive shaft into the transmission from under the car, through the tunnel.
> After one circle around the block, you can remove the now balled up
> electrical tape off the rear end of the drive line.
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