> I've just taken a break from assembly 'Brandy' the rocking horse to watch
> BBC television's TOP GEAR programme on the internet. My older daughter
> has
> been catching up on old episodes of Dr Who for some weeks now and I
> thought it
> was time to re-assert my superior technological ability by working out how
> iplayer works. _www.bbc.co.uk_ (http://www.bbc.co.uk) and go to iplayer
> and then TOP GEAR or Dr Who or some rubbish programme.
That works great IF you have a British ISP. If your on our side of the pond,
you have to resort to bit-torrent to watch Top Gear. Or rent a British IP
address for $5 a month or so to get access to the BBC content like a friend
of mine does.
David Lieb
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