----- Original Message -----
From: "Trevor Jessie" <trevor.jessie@gmail.com>
The UK is smaller and there were about 5 car clubs that coordinated
the effort (one of which is exclusively for midgets and sprites)
But more importantly it is a matter car density.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Johnson" <bmwwxman@gmail.com>
Excellent point Trevor. Everyone in England was probably within a day's
drive of Gaydon.
As was suggested before the last 50th, take a look at the Frappr map and see
where the Spridget owners are located. (Yeah, I know the map isn't perfect
and doesn't include everyone, but does anybody have a better idea?) Then
put your celebration in the area of the population center of Spridget owners
rather than the geographic center of the country. You will notice that
there is a huge void of owners east of the Pacific coast states until a line
say from MN or WI down to Texas where you begin to pick up a lot of owners
I dare say that some of the west coasters that made it to the last one won't
be chomping at the bit to repeat that trip so soon. And I will also say
that a lot of east coasters weren't -- and aren't -- interested in going
halfway across the country. Not to mention to the opposite coast.
Nevada? Colorado? Great idea. I'll bet you can get 50 people to drive all
the way out there. 75, if the weather is nice. It's all about the numbers,
boys and girls.
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