How about St. Louis? Seems centrally located...
Charles M. "Monty" Love
Dynetics, Inc.
256-337-5581 (Cell)
256-882-1543 (Home)
ET Test
The greatest revolutions come not by the discovery of something new. They
happen when someone radically changes or challenges what was always there.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Frank Clarici
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 5:02 PM
To: Spridgets
Subject: [Spridgets] Thoughts for the Midget 50th
In 2011 the MG Midget will be 50 years old. We just celebrated the Sprite
50th this past summer but we referred to it as Spridget 50th. Which was fine
by me.
What do you think about calling the Midget 50th just that? Midget 50th.
Not Spridget.
Of course Sprites are expected to be there along with the Midgets but let's
keep the goodies Midget related only.
I mean do we really need dash plaques and tee shirts with a Sprite 53rd
anniversary mentioned?
We also need to start thinking about a place to hold the event. Mid America
seemed to work out OK for the past meet.
Sure Atlantic City works real nice for me and I'm sure San Francisco works
well for the California folks but......
So put on your thinking caps and get to work on those minor quirks on the
Midgets because you have 2.5 years to work out these bugs.
Your input would be greatly appreciated.
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
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