The factory part number is 12G 107 which looks to be the plastic tube.
However, later engines have a steel tube for which I'm not able to find a part
number though clearly it's different. The dipsticks are specific to each type
of tube and if you get it wrong then you get oil out of the dipstick hole.
US cars may be different again and had a dipstick with a 45 degree bend on it
while UK cars were generally straight.
I'd be interested in a steel tube if anyone is ever scrapping a block with
one in it.
In a message dated 28/05/2008 20:19:31 GMT Daylight Time, jdc6@Lehigh.EDU
_Weslake1330@aol.com_ ( wrote:
Are new dip stick tubes available? Also there are at least 2 types of tube
and 2 or types of stick.
In a message dated 28/05/2008 17:42:53 GMT Daylight Time, _jdc6@Lehigh.EDU_
(mailto:jdc6@Lehigh.EDU) writes:
A new tube will fit
snugly in the block hole.
Hi Daniel,
Yes Moss 451-430 is the dipstick tube for 1098-1275.
Fogelsville, PA
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