At Border's book store today...
I have a strange attraction to coffee table books on
lavish garages the way normal people like similar
books about, say, paintings and art and stuff. One of
the ones I have is "Ultimate Garages", by Berg. There
is a newly released follow-up with the imaginative
title of "Ultimate Garages II", and I was specifically
looking for it. So I find a copy, and start thumbing
through. 4th page or so, prior to the table of
contents, is a full page picture of a garage with a
urinal and a TEAM THICKO sticker! The Thicko sticker
is right in the foreground for all to see - beautiful.
Further investigation shows a multipage spread on the
amazing garage of Thickos Barb and Bernie Nevoral. I
noticed a few other familiar VSCDA names in other
write ups as well. At $35 list, I'm going the route so I can save up for a place like
Bernie's. You definitely need to check this book out.
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