If anyone is interested, here's a chance to have some fun, help raise
some money for a good cause, eat some barbecue and stew and show.your
car all at the same time.
This Cruise In is held monthly on the third Friday of the month from
April to September in Creedmoor, NC, in the Food Lion parking lot. It's
pretty easy to get to from Durham or Raleigh. For directions use this
Google Map page: http://tinyurl.com/2bpa2c
I had emailed one of the organizers about bringing my MG to the Cruise
In this month and received the following info:
-------- Original Message --------
Yes- the biggest of the year-should be over 150 cars & 1000+ people
doing a fund raiser for Duke Children's Miracle Network
cooking BBQ & stew to sale there
all you have to do is be there - preferably early before 5:30
should be completely packed by 6
costs you nothing but a good time
see you next Friday the 21st
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