Hello Mike/Donna,
95% of fuel problems are electrical...
95% of electrical problems are fuel related...
first thing to do is check the dashpots...how long since you
put something in there...?
i don't know much, .. but how about more symptoms for the
listers who DO know stuff?.. engine size? every time? on
acceleration only? goes away above XXXX rpm? carburation? (su,
webber?) in all gears? ..
checked the points?.. swapped the condensor? (hmmmmm?!!!!)..
and the favorite one of all .. the terminal coming loose from
the coil itself!!! got a spare one to swap out there?..
show of hands, how many listers have had THAT last problem with
the stock coil?
Best regards,
Bill mailto:pythias@pacifier.com
"66 Sprite