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Re: Horrible Freight Arc Welder question.

To: "Linda Grunthaner" <grunthaner@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Horrible Freight Arc Welder question.
From: derf <derf247@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2007 08:35:20 -0600
I am one of the first to champion HF junk.  But, if you want something
disposable, get that welder.  If you want something that can last you
a lifetime, get a Lincoln.  If you want something really good, get a
Miller.   I rarely weld so I got a Lincoln when an opportunity arose
for my employer to pay for one.  It is very nice for a home unit.  I
wish I had gotten the 220V instead of the 110V.  I did get the gas kit
for MIG welding.  I had a small C25 tank but a while back I went to
exchange it and all they had was bigger tanks.  So, now I have a
medium sized tank.  If I can just remember to turn the tank vavle off
it will last me a long time.
If you have a place to store it and the budget for it, get something
better.  I have a HF press, mill/drill, hydraulic tools, hand tools
(very few, but some are OK), air tools (some), a Chinese (not HF)
lathe,  etc, but I have a Lincoln welder and an IR compressor.
If you don't have storage or budget you can probably get someone to
weld that thing for you for very little.

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