I followed Peter's instructions to work the fulcrum pin into the threaded
portion of the A arms (while dry) to act as a tap to chase the threads.
That worked well. After doing that several times, I took a wire brush that
is intended for cleaning copper fittings prior to soldering them and wire
brushed the threads in the A arms. I couldn't believe the amount of stuff
that came out. I think it was paint dust with a bit of rust dust, but there
sure was alot of it. I suppose if I had left it there, the paint would have
reacted with the grease to make some kind of undesirable gunk that would
have made greasing difficult in the future. The gunk must have been down
deep in the root of the threads. I have to think that this extra step will
pay off in the long run. I can now turn the fulcrum pin all the way in with
my fingers. (Added the extra grease zerk too)
Tim Collins
Midland, MI
1966 AH Sprite