Somehow I knew something would come up...
It doesn't look as if I will be able to make it on Friday. A friend of mine
was at the Windy City Miata Club autocross at Tire Rack in South Bend, IN
last weekend with us and lost his clutch. With a minimum of illegalities, we
were able to trailer it up to my house and it is now in my garage with the
transmission ripped out, waiting for him to get a clutch kit, re-face the
flywheel, and get some other supplies. The kit should be here on Friday, so
we hope to be re-assembling that night. The failure was major enough that we
wanted to be sure how much we needed to order before placing the order. Yes,
Miatae break down, too. And the more they are modified, the more they break
;-) Sound familiar?
David Lieb
1972 RWA Midget