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Re: 1500 Clutch hydraulics

To: "CHRIS KOTTING" <ckotting@wideopenwest.com>,
Subject: Re: 1500 Clutch hydraulics
From: "Karl Vacek" <KVacek@Ameritech.net>
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 16:11:55 -0500
Well of course I did...

The hydraulics are fine -- it was the clutch disk stuck to the flywheel.
Working on LBC's since 1965 and I've never seen that happen in 2 weeks.
I've stored my own cars for 10 years and more on occasion without that ever
happening.  A new experience every day...


> Did you rebuild/replace the clutch master as well as the slave?  If you
> redid the slave and changed over to silicone, the seals in the master are
> likely shot.

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