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Re: Painting a car in an attached garage

To: billyzoom@billyzoom.com, wmgilroy@gmail.com,
Subject: Re: Painting a car in an attached garage
From: KrkLH@cs.com
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2006 15:02:06 EDT
Good stuff - I am taking it that this is a one stage paint job you are 
refering to.  

If your shooting a base coat clear coat job don't most final clears (not 
inner-coat clears like House of Kolor's SG100 ) use a hardener which uses 

Du Pont's Chroma Premier clear system uses hexamethalyene disocyanate - 
similiar to Valspar and House of Kolor's isocyanate.  

I'll take my answer off the air!  


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