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Re: cooling a new 1275

To: "Joe Lansing" <kidjoevid@yahoo.com>,
Subject: Re: cooling a new 1275
From: "htpc" <htpc@midsouth.rr.com>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 13:25:12 -0500
The new 1310 in my 65 Midget is running warmer (210F) than the old 1098 
(190F) did and I've added water wetter, the plastic fan, and an oil cooler. 
No other changes. It hasn't actually overheated yet, and in drive thru lines 
it gets up to 220...I think after it gets a few more miles on it it'll be 
fine...(Only about 50 mi so far) This is in Memphis where the temp has been 
low to mid 90's.


> I'm wondering if I should take any measures to improve
> cooling my new 1275 I'm putting in my 62. Should I
> consider an improved radiator, oil cooler or electric
> fan? I live where summer temps hit 100 regularly. Is
> there an easy solution?

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