Hello Spridgets,
BAD NEWS!!! took "the red thing" out tonite for a pleasant little
drive... its running like a top, wind in the hair, sun on the face,
WE ALL know the feeling... great drive. Stopped to get tacos to take
home. .. .. the guy in front of me entering the road had pulled
ahead a little to a better view,.. a pederstrian approached and he
decided to back his Lincoln Town Car to clear the sidewalk.. i was a
few feet back.. saw his reverse lights go on.. started HONKING... He
didn't see me... WHAM.. crinked the drivers side fender. .. now the
question... if the body shop says they can't "undent" it, WHO SELLS
OEM quality (or near so) body parts for a 1966?. Or does someone
have one laying around?..
the poor guy.... he just got married today, .. he bought the town
car 10 days ago. his wife was supposed to transfer the insurance
over from his old rig, but it didn't happen..... I trust him to make
good, and won't be dealing with insurance companies or the police,
just to make his life a little easier.... i know those on RIGHT
coast will give me advice NOT to handle it this way, BUT..out here a
man's word is still good.... anyway... any info (or parts!???!?!?!)
greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
Bill mailto:pythias@pacifier.com