Bob, you amaze me with your perceptiveness.....
Peter (shakin' his head) C.
At 11:10 AM 4/17/2006, Robert E. Shlafer wrote:
>Yes, yes....Peterino....
>helping to support illegal immigration for
>the sake of business, both large and small,
>makes me feel just terrific as pantywaist liberals enable all sorts
>of unbelievably
>horrific behaviour to ensue both here and
>abroad in order that we may become more
>"sensitive" and "understanding" souls to those who would rob us of
>our heritage
>(albeit some of it ain't that good!:) within
>our own borders, as well as those from
>"without" who would slit our "infidel"
>throats in a heartbeat, given the slightest
>opportunity.....which the "enabling" liberals among us are only too
>happy to extend to
>both aforementioned groups.
>May the fleas from a thousand camels infest
>the crotchi of all the foregoing groups mentioned above! Thanx for making life
>just swell on the planet over the last many
>years, inclusive of you "sweet", "understanding" & "enabling"
>girlymen (and you know who you are!:).
>However, having "arranged" my financial
>situation accordingly....I won't be making
>a supporting contribution to this BS.
>With much Sensitivity & Understanding....
>I remain.....
>Cap'n Bob Basic :{)