"Didn't they do this a couple of years ago?"
Yeah....amnesty by Regan back in '86. Worked out real well, eh?
The illegal aliens I know are all hard-working, decent people. Problem is,
"undocumented" aliens entered the country
and are taking jobs away from those who have entered LEGALLY while costing
taxpayers hugely in the bargain via the "Walmart effect".
Great for owners who get
to pay lower wages, but terribly unfair to
legals and actually, bad for all workers
and all taxpayers. You can't get something
for nothing as the saying goes. In the end
you end up paying for it, some way, some
how. Further, today we have a bunch of people who entered the country illegally
They say you can't send back 11 million people but I think you can, over time.
Congress/Government let them in over time and I think they can be returned over
time. No hurry, just start doing the job and
get it done. I mean, either we're a law and
order nation or we're not and I'm not for
rewarding law-breaking behaviour as our
ethically-challenged Congress and Government types seem to be.
Problem is a Congress/Government more
beholding to corporate/biz interests who
"finance" their stay in office (cheap labor) at the expense of the best
interests of the nation and it's citizens as a whole. They're
not lookin' out for us, for sure.
So yeah...first you stop the flood, then you
get rid of the excess water.
However. there is no guarantee
our Congress/Government will follow any
new laws it originates in this respect, considering it hasn't obeyed/enforced
those already on the books.
Way I see it, my Congress/Government is no longer a law and order type to the
extent they used to be as they currently pander to minority votes and
interests to keep their jobs. Problem is, as the government goes, so shall the
nation in time. Government goes "corrupt", nation
goes "corrupt" to at least the same extent.
As Confucious states, "The fish rots from the head".
Cap'n. Bob '60 :{)