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Moderators beware of unhcr.umacr.net

To: 1CylinderMicroCars <1CylinderMicroCars@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Moderators beware of unhcr.umacr.net
From: <uniquelittlecars@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 20:21:30 -0800 (PST)
Ladies and gentlemen:
We have yet another spam domain blasting our groups with spam: unhcr.umacr.net
The user id varies but, the domain is pretty consistent. 
I've denied approving the domain for all my groups that require approval.
If you belong to multiple groups on Yahoo, Google, MSN, etc., many of you will 
probably have already received a message about "Human Buttons".   However noble 
the original idea might have been, it's just another bad case of spam. 
If you own a group, you may want to check your membership to remove this 
domain: unhcr.umacr.net



If you are interested in Morris vehicles go to 
This is the most active group on the Internet for Morris Vehicles.
Morris owners. There is a link to a world map on the front page of this group. 
You do not have to be a member of the group to use the map. You can put your 
self on the map, leave a comment and post a picture of your car.     
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

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  • Moderators beware of unhcr.umacr.net, uniquelittlecars <=