---------- Forwarded message ----------
From Chip Mautz <clmautz at gmail.com>
Date: Nov 30, 2005 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [midgetsprite] Re: Bugeye Group..... RE: SOS '05 wrap up
To: JustBrits_com <justbrits@comcast.net>
If you want to take a break from all that cold and come down to Georgia, I
have a '65 Spridget waiting resto-refurb. My wife would love it if I made
some project on the BRG 'shelf' that's been in our garage for a few years
now. Only moves when I roll it in/out for spring garage cleaning, sigh.
I need lots of help, too! This Old Car would be cool! Plus, you could
cruise top down, as it's been in the mid 60's here as of late - very nice!
Dobbin's AFB is nearby, so if you're Herc'ing your LBC in, that'd be a good
place to land. They're built there too, or at least they were...
Rumor has it that Deal's Gap isn't too far away, either... Road Atlanta is
2 exits away!
Seriously, any SE Spridgeters want to stop by and lend me a hand, or give me
advice on where to start?
Chip in Dacula, GA - with too many projects sitting on the shelf right now!
Life is short - drive fast, brake late.
Life is too short to drive boring cars.
Life is short - drive fast, brake late.