<<Got two pair of AR 2ax acoustic suspension speakers. Been re-coned
twice and going strong.>>
WHERE did you get THAT done, chuck???
GREAT speakers but extremelty "inefficient".
<< American made, by the way.>>
Yep!! For "newbies"<G>, Acoustic Research. Awesome stuff!!
<< They will outlast me.>>
The wood iss toooo "thin"<BG>!!
Now IF anybody ever runs across a set of Pioneer (shut up Frank, they ARE
GREAT Japenese equipment that did not FAIL!) CSR-500 or 700s OR CSX Series
(any) period) PLEASE let me know!!!!
PS: With Gerard turntable/ Pioneer turntable/"new" (don't like) Pioneer
Receiver, AND a Pioneer SX-600 Receiver (which works FLAWLESSLY & is older
than the hills!!).