I have been deriving a part time income from eBay for a couple of years now.
I am a Powerseller with over 700 feedbacks all at 100%. Most of my feedback
response is from items I have sold as opposed to items that I have purchased.
When buying not only do I look for sellers who are at least 98% or higher - I
also like to see how they got their feedback.
I once bought a Marshall guitar amp from a guy who took several weeks before
he sent it. He had some very creative excuses as to why the amp was getting
so delayed. He also had strong feedback - 100% with about 40 items showing as
having been transacted. A deeper look told me that there was more to the
story. As I checked out his feedback it dawned on me that the Marshall amp was
the FIRST item he had ever sold. He had developed his 100% feedback from
small items like video games. He never had to pack up a large item like the
Marshall combo amp and get it shipped out. He also overcharged me on shipping
due to the fact that he used a chain store. When I finally got the amp, and
it arrived in good shape, I was so happy that I did not quibble about the
extra shipping expense that he cost me.
So it is good to note how a seller has earned their feedback.
Also - when it comes to buying I always use www.esnipe.com - they never see
you coming!