Forgive me for coming into this thread after the fact but when British
Wiring doesn't have what I'm looking for I try Holden Vintage and
Classic. Go to:
Click on 'Motoring' and look under wiring and scroll down to part #
080.264. No financial interest....etc.; just another source.
My tuppence,
59 :{)
59 MGA 1500
Chas Douglass wrote:
> Thanks to all for the kind offers to send "loose sleeve bullet" (which
> lists as N/A).
> Somewhat like that guy that accidentally dropped some change in the
> toilet and at inopportune moment (looked at it for a moment, took out
> his wallet and threw in a $20 bill, looked around and said "What? You
> think I'm reaching in there for 17 cents!") I found a few other things
> to buy from Vicky-Brit -- enough that the shipping seemed reasonable.
> Got new bullets (with spares) and took the bugeye out for it's first
> spin in 4 years!
> I forgot how gutless it is. I almost forgot how much fun it is to drive.
> Chas Douglass