Hey Brent,
I was in a similar situation after I rebuilt both
carbs and about a year later they were both leaking.
The leak was right where the tube meets the float boal
and due to crappy new rubber gaskets. I ordered 2 new
tubes (beacase I didn't know you could get the gaskets
separately) and it came with a note from Mo$$ saying
that new fuels may cause the rubber gaskets to soften
and leak! Although, the old ones probably lasted 30
years? I think they just got a bunch of sh*tty
gaskets cause the new ones don't leak at the moment.
Anyone got an aluminum MGB hood taking up space?
John MacDonald
Bedford, NH
59 Frog
70 B
--- wolfbj@bellsouth.net wrote:
> Finally, after all this time, I finally got around
> to firing up the 71.
> Hopefully, soon the necessaries will be done (like
> install the seats) so
> that I can drive her.
> In the meantime, a question - I have one small
> problem, a fuel leak at the
> carbs. It looks like I have a leak from both of the
> fuel delivery tubes to
> the jet assembly. The leak appears to be coming from
> either the tube itself,
> or from the fitting where it attaches to the bowl.
> Both M0$$ and V* show
> this as a Jet Assembly. Yet, my SU tuning book
> shows this as a flexible
> hose with a ferrule, sleeve nut, washer and gland on
> one end. It does not
> describe what is on the other end.
> Is it a flexible hose that can be replaced? If so,
> where can I get the hose
> and the ferrules. And how does it attach to the jet
> assembly on the other
> end.
> Brent
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