> it would be safe to surmise that you did NOR register at all, David???
> It other words FAILED to support the group putting the event on???
Wrong. I registered and participated in the ONLY driving aspect of the
weekend, the Saturday rally. The cost was identical to that of registering
for the car show. My car happens to be a driver, not a show car. I supported
the aspect that I appreciate. Since I did not see you at the rally OR the
show, I guess you did not support any part of it.
> I have driven an El Camino to that particular event and been REGISTERED!!!
Interesting. Last I checked, they REFUSED to register anything but British
iron. In fact, the registration sheet very pointedly asks for your BRITISH
car or motorcycle.
> BTW?? A Midget is a MG. A Sprite is a Healey.
Wrong again. They are both Spridgets and there is far more in common between
a 1979 Midget and a 1958 Bugeye than between any of them and a Heavey Healey
or an MGB or any other MG. They were built on the same assembly line by the
same people, they should be on the same row at the car show.
> <<and just had time to pick up a couple of books for
> the club library and talk to a few people.>>
> Very "nice" you where able to TAKE ADVANTAGE of something a LOT of LBCers
WORK hard for for FREE!!!!
As a matter of fact, Ed, that happens to be a very valuable way of
supporting the event. If people do not spend money at the vendors, the
vendors do not return and pay for a booth next year. Makes a lot more
difference than the lousy $15 registration fee.