Hi Folks,
I have a set of 4 Pirelli tires size 145 - 13 that I picked up in a parts
purchase. They are in good shape tread wise, but they are OLD - I'd say at
least 15 years. I am in the process of moving from the Upper Peninsula of
Michigan (Say ya to da U.P., eh!) to the Lower Peninsula - about 450 miles.
Are these ties worth saving or is it time to put them to rest? They would
be used on the road, no racing, etc.
I'll be moving myself, but not like the Blitzkrieg move of WST to the dream
farm. I am hoping for the "Wild Kingdom" approach to moving where someone
comes along with a dart gun and shoots me in the butt and knocks me out.
When I wake up I'll be in my new surrounding with a few berries and water
nearby with a bit of a "dart induced" hangover. My garage will be organized
and the Sprite will be several steps closer to being road worthy. Hey, it
works for the animals.
So what about old tires? Move them or loose them?
Tim Collins
Dollar Bay, MI
1966 AH Sprite