Are these two events in the same place and time? How long are they? Can
you drive the BE there? Maybe there are kids there that would dig a ride in
the "cool little car". Do they have a TV in a room away from the party?
As for myself, I awoke at 10:30am, and my wife and teenage kids are
downstairs making breakfast. Life is good, if only for an hour or two.
It's a reprieve at best, but I'm gonna go with it.
Good luck,
----- Original Message -----
From "Phil Nase" <nase at>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2005 5:54 AM
Subject: Fathers' Day Dilemma
> So what a guy to do? My brother in law and his wife have planned a
> Christening Party for their new grandson along with a 21st birthday party
> for their youngest son.
> My plans for the day included driving the BE a bit, watching F1 at Indy
> piddlin about. Of course my kids will be at the party. I like my wife's
> family but as I get older I am less prone to do what others expect and
> prone to do what I enjoy on weekends.
> Should I go or should I stay.
> Phil Nase