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Re: Soap box derby

To: "William Thompson" <willy1959@gmail.com>, "Spridgets" <spridgets@autox.team.net>, <team-thicko@autox.team.net>, "WCMC \(E-mail\)" <wcmc@yahoogroups.com>, "peg" <uglyoldwitch@gmail.com>, "w temple" <wstempie@wi.net>, <gizwiz629@worldnet.att.net>, "Dean Larsen" <delars20@gmail.com>, "Betsy Rousar" <evilcharliesmom@hotmail.com>, "sandy larsen" <sandylarsen2002@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Soap box derby
Date: Sat, 7 May 2005 17:54:31 -0700
References: <b27b6c640505071735cd7f840@mail.gmail.com>
Hooray for a new Team Thicko Racer!

Good for her and her brother. (And Pop, too!)

Best, Paul A

> My 8 year old competed today. her first Race of any sort. She was
> calm, collected, and very straight forward. she was a bit reserverd at
> times.
> She wanted to win, but was very intent on beeing a good sport.   she
> listened to her older brother, and I, and did the best she could. poor
> sportsmanship NEVER came out, its just not in her nature.
> YA Im a proud PAPA!  rookie race, she won 1 out of 4 heats, and was

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