Why is it Always Blood First?
I don't know how many clutch/transmission assemblies I have installed over
the years, but it seems that before final alignment, BLOOD MUST BE SPILT.
Same thing installing the 5 Speed on my 71. I must have put that
transmission up there 5 or 6 times. Always something stopped engagement.
Checked, checked and rechecked clutch plate alignment. Checked bushing.
Measured tranny input shaft length. I was getting P*ssed.
Before the big hammer came out (actually I was going to try it one more time
before calling Paul.) As I hoisted up on the tranny one more time, I
slipped, cut two knuckles on my left hand, bled over the tranny and garage
floor, said a few choice words (OK, they could hear me down the block, but
they were still choice.) Wrapped my hand in a paper towel grabbed that
(*&*()&HKLJNBJK Tranny and it slid on like melted butter, right up to the
Blood Sacrifice over for the evening.
71 - Getting there slowly (and with a 5 speed installed)
PS - Thanks Paul