Hello Hal,
a rebuild for the 1098 including such things as listed (but not
as many) cost me well over that $1800 figure.. i had $1600 in
parts alone!
there is discussion about the relative merits of a 1098 vs
a 1098 will never have the power of 1275, nor the revs, and
parts are a little (not much though) harder to come by. if
you're planning on an all out rev--gotta GO FAST motor, then a
a 1098 is more a "torque motor" it has more low end "grunt",
plus they run (i hear) noticably smoother. if most of your
driving will be "puttering around" in the mid range rpms, with
the occasional "hole shot" then the 1098 would definetely be
worth considering.
others on the list, correct me if i have it all wrong. i have
NO experience with the 1275, just what i've heard.
Best regards,
Bill mailto:pythias@pacifier.com
"66 Sprite