Okay, I'm gonna haul out my soapbox for just a bit here:
Why do people want to spend $$$ putting a downdraft Weber on a 1500 Midget,
when you can contact a breaker's yard in the UK and get a pair of SU's with
appropriate manifold, needles and linkages delivered to your door for about
$100? Add a rebuild kit and a few hours' pleaseant time cleaning and fitting
parts and you have a setup that was actually designed for the engine, and
breathes at least as well as the Weber set-up (where the manifold takes 2
turns from carb to head).
Soabpox mode off...
Chris K.
On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 12:52:22 EST, Dbcooper292 wrote
> yes, it's a real mfer. One more reason to go to a weber and header.
> Mark M.
> Your messages not reaching the list?
> Check out http://www.team.net/posting.html