While at the Dodge dealership last Friday, I was looking at the new Jeep
Grand Cherokee. The salesman was telling me all about the 4 wheel drive
system, how it is the BEST on the market. I asked him "tell me honestly, of
all these that you sell, how many ever make it "off road"? He said "none".
So I asked "than what is the point of spending all the money for the
"best", when it is NEVER going to be used"? There was no answer........
PilotRob@webtv.net wrote:
> Well, Rich...
> You and Kate are exceptions to the
> "very general" rule. There ARE people
> who definitely have a use for SUV's,
> no doubt about it. And you (and Kate)
> are obviously two of them and I am sure
> there are many more out there.
> However, in my small part of the world
> where I live in wealthy Fairfield
> County, SUV's abound. Very rarely
> do you see them with more than one person aboard, or two at the most.
> And
> more often than not, their drivers will have
> a cell phone to their ear and be going like a bat outta hell (the guys,
> not the girls,
> I have noticed).
> You can bet 99% of these people don't
> even know what an LBC is (and don't
> wanna know!!:):)
> Cap'n. Bob
> '60 :{)
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