Oh, YEAH!!. In this case, getting into the
wrong hole could really cost you...like you'd be doing a "Lorraine
Bobbit" to
your self. Worse yet, if you'd taken that
"expanding" drug they're currently advertising wherein you are warned to
seek immediate medical assistance should you "last" more than 4 hrs????
Well, you sure as hell wouldn't be doing
"his" satisfied smile as it appears in the
commercial as I do not feel you'd find
this situation at all "satisfying", let alone
Just the thought...."AIYEEEE!!"
I mean,......................think of the
explaining to the paramedics, nurses,
doctors....most especially the psychiatrist
called in to determine beyond a doubt
whether the wound was self-inflicted
(subconcious "death wish" stuff, etc.)
or you were simply "mis-guided".
Cap'n. Bob
'60 :{)
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