On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 05:14:39PM -0500, Duncan Sinclair wrote:
> Antony,
> How does the carb throttle mechanism respond when there is no cable
> attached? Is it tight?
Not sure exactly what you mean by tight. I remember when I was tuning
the carbs, it seemed to snap back pretty well. I guess I could try
again at the weekend - just warm up the car, get back in the garage,
disconnect the cable and give the thing a few tweaks, see if I can
replicate the problem. I am tempted to overhaul the carbs anyway -
they look untouched for the last 25 years...
> How are the throttle return springs?
I'll have a look. I don't see how a spring could stick halfway through
it's travel, but it doesn't take long to look.
> Your heat may may due to friction more than anything else, I doubt the
> grounding problem but you never know with these things :)
Indeed. :)
MG Midget 1979