Socket, yes. Go to a farm type store, they have them cheaper.
Note that there is a lock tab washer that needs to be bent back
with a dull chisel (dead screwdriver). The left side has a left hand
threaded nut, so is "lefty tightey, righty loosey". And you don't need a
puller, I just put the brake drum back on Inside-out and tap gently with a
hammer. Then less gently if required.
Good luck.
Peter C.
At 07:23 PM 7/13/2004, Phil Nase wrote:
>I am about to pull the hubs on my Bugeye. I guess I need a 1 7/8" spanner
>and a hub puller.
>Any tips for a first timer? Anyway around buying a hub puller or should the
>well equiped shop have one on the shelf?
>Do I need a tool to install the new bearings and seals?
>I had the entire rear axle media blasted and I am thinking I should
>disassemble it to be certain I don't have any sand in there to foul things
>up. If anyone has any advice or suggestions I really would appreciate it.
>Phil Nase