Others have commented that there may be a problem of bottoming out of the
shock, causing undue stress on the weld.
>From the photos it would seem to me that the weld had torn/ broken from the
end that would be under stres if the axle was dropping too far down (as when
the Frog hops). Rather than bottoming out which would tear from the other
end of the weld.
In your photo there dosn't appear to be a rubber axle restraining strap.
Maybe you just haven't re-fitted it, but without a strap then the shock unit
will limit the travel, and the snatch of this is what is transferred to your
re-welded plate.
----- Original Message -----
From "Steven Michelsen" <stevenm at>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2004 4:54 AM
Subject: Re: Broken bracket for SPAX shock - resolved
> Well anything is possible.
> I didn't do it myself, but as the pieces didn't really butt up well to
> other to start, and given the multiple grinding - welding - grinding -
> welding steps
> taken, I believe that the weld is IN and ON the metal. I drove on it for
> an hour - so far so good. If it lets go again at some point, maybe I will
> find a pair of stock one-piece brackets. For now, at least the price was
> right.
> Steve