Yep.... but when you walk in to a generic Box parts store, they lump all
MGs together and differentiate B's from Midgets by drum diameter. Clever,
eh? (They'll also as if it has power brakes.) 7 inch for Spridgets
Peter C
At 03:35 PM 7/7/2004, Jay Fishbein wrote:
>The drums used on all Spridgets are the same. Bugeye front/rear and all
>the later cars rear brakes. They all take the same drum.
>jay fishbein
>wallingford, ct
> <>
> wrote:
> >Do you have a tape measure? :>)
> >
> >
> >From:
> >Date: 2004/07/07 Wed PM 06:55:28 GMT
> >To:
> >Subject: Brake drum on a 73 midget
> >
> >Hi all, it look slike my drums are beyond turning and I was going to
> replace them. Local parts store asked if they were 7 inch or 8 inch?
> >This is a stock 73 RWA with Wire wheels. How can I tell if they are 7s
> or 8s?
> >Thanks for the info.