Ever since my wife made me buy a used turbodiesel-powered Jetta TDI, gas
prices have been ramping up but #2 diesel is still $1.67. I'm passing pumps
of regular reading $2.20 per gallon! Towing the racecar this summer is going
to hurt.
What's regular selling for in some of the more squeezed markets?
California, NYC, etc.? Just curious.
BTW, I drive about 30,000 miles a year and the Jetta is a dream on the road.
It's a wagon and I can actually sleep in the back when the old woman puts me
out. With the turbo, it even accelerates when you step on the pedal.
Michigan has soybean biodiesel available, and when I pour that in, it
doesn't even smell. It has no diesel shaking like the old Rabbits and GM
Dreadmobiles. And I've been getting 48 MPG driving 85 MPH. Man, for once I
timed the market right!
Was also reading a news article on the slump in Hummer sales attributed to
rising gas prices and they mentioned this ad. Take a look.