The latest discovery on our recently acquired '66 Sprite is
a transmission full of gear oil instead of 20w50. I
drained, filled with kerosene, spun it around a little,
drained and refilled with the proper stuff. It was raining
last night and I was too lazy to put the top up, so the road
test will come later today. Hopefully, the synchronizer
that seldom does its job on third gear will be persuaded to
work a little better, and hold off the transmission r/r that
I know is in my future.
It's obvious that it is not the original transmission
because it has wiring on it for a back up light switch. No
such thing on this '66, or any as far as I know.
But another sign is the missing mount bolts that fasten from
underneath the car. Can someone tell me the size of these
things? I got rid of all my extra spridget stuff when I
sold my "Bugeye in a Box" and the '69 the end of last year.
No more reference parts.